個人 Personal
~釋放小女孩的緊張,平衡磨牙習慣 非常欣賞這樣的一位母親, 她勇於承擔其父母讓她體驗沒有被愛、沒有被滋養的經歷,而尋求愛自己, 重新創造愛父母,愛女兒的歷程。 非常欣賞這樣的一位母親, 她勇於承擔其女兒對她的憤怒、控訴的身、語、意。 她勇於承擔對女兒創造缺少關懷的童年,讓她處於緊張,活在不安、有條件的愛的經歷當中,而遺忘了自己無憂無慮、純粹快樂的神聖本質。 她,願意踏出這一步,真的需要有很強的「覺知」,與接納過往自己的勇氣。因為這一步,她與女兒的關係就此改變,並獲得轉化,大家之間的隔膜消融了,變得更親密!此外,女兒的左右腦電波獲得平衡,釋放了很多壓抑自己的能量,也少了磨牙的習慣,笑容也更加燦爛! 好感動呀! Angela欣賞你為自己、為親人踏出這一步,並為自己獲得重生! (經當事人允許,上載經歷) |
工作坊 Workshops
LV1 活現智慧
Emptiness Energetics Foundation
今日初次接觸emptiness energetics ,覺得一切都比較易掌握和理解,而且得到的效果也比想像中快及"到位"。相對其他新心靈的形式,這的確是一種較新及獨特的方法。 ~Alice
整體能讓自己與圓滿連結至高至善並引用這能量去治療自己與別人,更能幫助有需要的眾生。EE 方法易學易明白,不用花太多時間便能到達靈性境界,更能提升自身能量與釋放身體的一切負能量而至更高境界。謝謝你的課程,得益良多! ~Shirley
多謝Gaia ,今日豐收,有興趣深入消融存在的負面訊息與能量中找回真實的自己,也期望眾生也能找回自己,天地、眾生、宇宙和諧合一。在課程中感受你全心的付出。祝福這個系統廣泛被大家應用!~Pam
一個用自我體驗帶出的課程技巧的導師,用身心靈層面去提昇學員的自我。值得參與的課程 ~emptiness energetics
Quantum Touch
During the Quantum Touch Workshop in these few days, I have experienced the mysterious power of Quantum Touching and the unlimited power of myself. If I had not personally experienced this feeling, I could hardly believe that I was experiencing the same feeling with the sensation inside others’ bodies. Our instructor, Yvonne, was using different interactive ways to present the workshop’s materials. By doing so, we did not need to write down any notes but we could still remember them in our hearts. I feel very grateful that I could take this course, meet other classmates and share our feelings after our personal demonstrations and experience! ------ Elizabeth
Other than the obvious healing effect made by Quantum Touch in the structure of my backbone, I have undergone another expereience with Quantum Touch in the obvious improvement of the internal congestion inside my body. For example, I was feeling much more relax after cleaning the congested area inside my body during the cleaning process of the chakra. Our instructor was also using her own knowledge to flexibily make use of and enchance the effects of Quantum Touch. I can even feel the unlimited possibility of Quantum Touch. ------ Bert
I have attended the Quantum Touch Worshop today. Starting from the breathing exercise in these two days, I could experience the gradual upflow of energy inside my body which passed through my navel, chest and forehead. Then, the energy circulated again and I could feel that it stopped at the area like my legs and head which needed to be cured. The paralysis inside my legs started to release and the minor congestion inside my head started to flow fluently. Last night, I was doing the treatment for my son and he could fall into sleep speedily. Then, I could even make the energy inside my body flow more fluently in the process of the exercise. Another very good exercise done was to shrink myself so as to let myself be cured inside my palm. I could feel that the area with obstacles could be brokenthrough. It was a very unusual course. ------ Ken
Other than the obvious healing effect made by Quantum Touch in the structure of my backbone, I have undergone another expereience with Quantum Touch in the obvious improvement of the internal congestion inside my body. For example, I was feeling much more relax after cleaning the congested area inside my body during the cleaning process of the chakra. Our instructor was also using her own knowledge to flexibily make use of and enchance the effects of Quantum Touch. I can even feel the unlimited possibility of Quantum Touch. ------ Bert
I have attended the Quantum Touch Worshop today. Starting from the breathing exercise in these two days, I could experience the gradual upflow of energy inside my body which passed through my navel, chest and forehead. Then, the energy circulated again and I could feel that it stopped at the area like my legs and head which needed to be cured. The paralysis inside my legs started to release and the minor congestion inside my head started to flow fluently. Last night, I was doing the treatment for my son and he could fall into sleep speedily. Then, I could even make the energy inside my body flow more fluently in the process of the exercise. Another very good exercise done was to shrink myself so as to let myself be cured inside my palm. I could feel that the area with obstacles could be brokenthrough. It was a very unusual course. ------ Ken
在這幾天的QT workshop 體驗到QT 的神秘力量及自己的無限力量。很奇妙地與別人的共鳴共振的感覺真的若非親身經歷都不能相信。導師Yvonne亦用不同方法以互動形式演繹,不需要刻意寫下筆記,便會牢記於心內。很感恩能遇到此課程及其他有緣的同學及能與大家一同分享各人親身示範後的感覺! Elizabeth
對QT 有另一種體會, QT除了結構上(脊椎)有明顯的治癒效能之外,對內在阻塞亦有明顯的感覺。例如清洗脈輪的時候,將當下阻塞的地方潔淨,感覺輕鬆了。導師亦善用本身所學的知識,靈活運用並加強了QT的功效,更感覺到QT的無限可能性。Bert
今日上完能量治療,這兩天我由練習呼吸開 始,然後體驗能量有腳步向上流動,經過肚 臍、胸口、額頭再循環,我感受到能量停留在 自己需要治療的部位,例如在我的腿部、我的 頭部、腿部麻痹的感覺開始暢通流動;而頭部 有少許的閉塞開始流動有如。 昨天晚上幫兒子做時他可以極速入睡。我然後 自己亦在練習過程中使自己全身的能量更通暢 的循環。 有一個很好的練習是將自己縮細放到自己的手 掌中治療,感覺有阻礙的部分可以極速打通。 很神奇的課程。 Ken
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